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Sports Science and Medicine: Research Support

General guide to library resources for Sports Science and Medicine


There are a wide range of resources available to assist in conducting research for, and preparing, a dissertation or project report. This page provides links to these resources. Please consult your supervisor for specific guidance on dissertation layout. 


A range of titles are available in the Ebook Central e-book site on aspects of research methodology and writing a dissertation.

PACE Tutorials


The PACE Programme  

SETU Carlow Library and the Teaching and Learning Centre have developed The PACE Programme. A suite of modules to help you Plan, Access, Critique, and Evaluate resources in the library that you can use for your studies and to help you in completing your assignments.

Module 1: Using the library and online library. This module guides you through accessing library resources and using your library account    

Module 2Your First assignment. This module provides support to get started with your first assignment, including locating journals and using databases 

Module 3: Citations and referencing. This module looks at how to include citations and manage references according to the SETU Carlow Harvard Referencing system.  

Module 4: Writing a literature review. This module guides you through sourcing, collating and composing your literature review.

The modules are available on Blackboard, this short video gives an introduction. 


Centre for Teaching & Learning - Visual Guides

With thanks to our colleagues in the Teaching & Learning Centre for providing the following helpful guides and presentations relating to preparing and structuring your thesis.


Exporting Records from Search and Find to Endnote Basic

EndNote Basic is a software tool for collecting, organising and formatting references, and can be used to create a bibliography for a project, dissertation or thesis. To use this product it is necessary to register and create an account (free) by going to:

Once an account has been set up it is possible to export references from the Search and Find: Online Resources search service to EndNote Basic by the following method:

  • Exporting records to Endnote Basic from the Search and Find Saved Items folder.

When a search of Search and Find : Online Resources is performed and records have been saved into the Saved Items folder using the   icon these items can be exported to EndNote Online by opening the Saved Items folder  and selecting the required references and then the Export option:


On the next screen selected the Direct Export to EndNote Online option:

 and click on Save

NOTE: it is recommended that EndNote Basic is opened before starting the export process – if EndNote Basic has not been opened, the login screen will be shown before the export is completed.

Once finished EndNote Basic will display a confirmation that the export has successfully completed:

Further help on using EndNote Basic can be found at