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Civil Engineering: Websites

A guide to Civil Engineering Resources provided by the Library at SETU Carlow.


Office of Public Works(OPW)
Transport Infrastructure Ireland (TII)
Department of Transport & the Marine; providing integrated sustainable transport services and transport infrastructure for the road, rail, air and maritime transport modes in Ireland.
Engineers Ireland The Institution of Engineers of Ireland.

Building and Construction Materials

Archinet UK Building Directory  : brings together in one place recommended sources of information and advice about construction and architecture in the UK. It incorporates Archinet UK. : information on using wood biomass as a carbon neutral, renewable energy source. Wood as fuel for heating systems etc.
Irish Concrete Society : concerned with the technical aspects of design and construction in concrete.
Timber Research and Development Association TRADA

Steel Construction Institute (SCI) has been developed by the SCI, the BCSA and Tata Steel, and is effectively an online 'encyclopaedia' or 'Wikipedia' for steel construction.

AHEC Europe (American Hardwood Export Council): trade association for the US hardwood industry. The site is designed to provide access to free technical publications and on-line technical information on American hardwood species, products and grades, as well as outlining sustainable forest management in the USA.

Electrical Contract Work

Airtricity :  is a renewable energy company, developing and operating wind farms across Ireland, Europe and North America, producing “green” electricity.
Commission for Regulation of Utilities (CRU) is the independent body responsible for overseeing the liberalisation of Ireland's energy sector.
Electricity Supply Board (ESB)

ESB Networks : Safety at Home, Safety at Work , Safety on the Farm  . Codes of practice and standards that govern ESB Networks working relationship with electricity customers and suppliers in the role as Distribution System Operator. It also contains the construction standards / specifications that are required for any electricity connections to the Network (e.g. the building work needed if a new house or factory is about to be built). ESB Networks produces safety material in a variety of media. These include booklets, videos, DVDs and posters.
Register of Electrical Contractors in Ireland (RECI) is a self-regulatory body for the electrical contracting industry. Its aims are to improve the standards of electrical installation work in Ireland. 

Planning Information

Dept of the Environment Heritage and Local Government ;Overview of planning system, Planning legislation, including the Planning and Development Act, 2000, the Planning and Development Regulations, 2001 and the Planning and Development (Strategic Infrastructure) Act, 2006 etc., Planning guidance for planning authorities; Planning  leaflets for the general public.
An Bord Pleanala - The Planning Appeals Board
The National Spatial Strategy : A national planning framework for Ireland.
Irish Planning Institute
Royal Town Planning Institute

Government Organisations/ Standards/ Building Regulations

Irish Government and State Information
Dept of the Environment Heritage and Local Government; Building Control Act, 1990;  Building Control Act, 2007 ;Technical Guidance Documents; The Building Regulations
The National Standards Authority of Ireland
British Standards Institution
European Committee for Standardization. The On-line Catalogue of European Standards allows you to find all published European Standards (EN) and other approved documents directly in the catalogues of its’ National Members.
Content Online : a collection of links to resources on the web, many of which provide access to a range of standards and related information FREE OF CHARGE.

Carpentry / Woodwork

Irish Woodturners' Guild

Timber Trade Federation : UK information and services on technical matters, contracts, statistics and standards as well as legal advice; including British and European Standards specific to wood.

Irish Timber Frame Manufacturers Association(ITFMA) 

Woodspec: a guide to designing, detailing and specifying timber in Ireland. Section A: Design Guidance ;Section B: Detailed Drawings; Section C: Sample Timber Specification; Section D: Timber Building Specifications; Section E: Reference Materials