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Avionics and Aircraft Systems: Websites

A guide to Avionics & Aircraft Systems Resources at SETU Carlow Library


The National Standards Authority of Ireland
British Standards Institution
European Committee for Standardization. The On-line Catalogue of European Standards allows you to find all published European Standards (EN) and other approved documents directly in the catalogues of its’ National Members.
Content Online : a collection of links to resources on the web, many of which provide access to a range of standards and related information FREE OF CHARGE.

Societies & Professional Bodies

Aviation Society of Ireland
Space Ireland : Irish companies engaged in development activities in the Space field. Enterprise Ireland, in association with the Office of Science and Technology of the Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment, has been instrumental in developing the Irish space sector industry, by directing national space funding and providing technical and other support to participating companies.

Irish Air Line Pilots’ Association (IALPA)
International Federation of Airline Pilots Associations (IFALPA)
European Cockpit Association (ECA): association of Flight Crew Unions from across Europe.
National Microlight Association of Ireland (NMAI)
Council of Aircraft Owner and Pilot Associations Ireland
International Council of Aircraft Owner and Pilot Associations (IOPA)
Airfields of Britain Conservation Trust
Fédération Aéronautique Internationale (FAI) : the world air sports federation
Europe Air Sports : an association of the European National Aero Clubs


List of aircraft manufacturers and model types : Provided by the ICAO. List includes manufacturers of aircraft, aircraft parts, missiles, rockets, and/or spacecraft. Lists the common names of the aircraft manufacturers followed by the aircraft types they produce(d), includes some photos.

Space Ireland : Directory of Irish Companies with development activities in Space related fields

Aviation Repositories

AERADE : AERADE provides access to key aerospace and defence information sources created worldwide, includes links to more than 30,000 Internet resources including Web sites, specialist databases, full text technical reports, engineering design data, conferences and news.

IAIN (International Aerospace Network) : a comprehensive repository of links to aerospace and related sources of information, a catalogue to aerospace information sources from which information searches can be launched, providing easy access to aerospace and aerospace-related information.