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Creating Persistent Links to Library Material: Home

SETU Carlow's guide to creating persistent links to library resources

Creating Persistent Links to a Bibliographic Record within Koha

a. Search the Koha library catalogue for the required record.

b. Select the URL which is displayed for the record. Copy and paste into Notepad/Word

c. The full URL will look like this:

d. Edit the URL to delete the trailing query details:

This can now be used as a persistent URL link to this record in Koha.

Creating Persistent Links to E-book Central e-books

E-book Central provides access to over 85,000 e-books covering a wide range of topics. The easiest way to search for a title is to log into E-book Central,, and do a subject or title search. If the required title is found, check that it displays an icon to confirm that the full text is within our subscription.

Click on the book title to open the full record.

In the full display select the option on the left hand side of the page.

This will display a url which can be used as a persistent link:

The SETU Carlow proxy prefix is not required for off-campus access to E-book Central titles.

NOTE: as E-book Central provides access many titles by subscription rather than as purchased e-books, there are occasions when access to some titles may be discontinued.

Creating Persistent Links to Search and Find : Online Resources records

Once a list of search results has been generated from a Search and Find : Online Resources search, it is possible to create a persistent URL link to an individual record by the following method:

a. For the required record, open the Detailed Record display by clicking on the icon:

b. Select the Detailed Record icon from the next display:

c. In the detailed record page select the Permalink option in the right-hand menu:

d. This will generate a persistent linked which can be copied and pasted as required:

Note that a Search and Find : Online Resources permalink provides a permanent link to a Search and Find record. Access to the full-text (where available) of a record will be enabled via the full-text link embedded within the Search and Find  record.

Search and Find : Online Resources permanent links will require SETU network login from off-campus.

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