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SETU Carlow Harvard Referencing
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SETU Carlow Harvard Referencing: FAQs
A sample of referencing that you can use to see how you reference in a real situation
What Is Plagiarism
Examples of citing information - Harvard System
Examples of referencing - Harvard System
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Reference Management software
Turnitin FAQs
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How do I reference a source that is referenced in another source?
What are DOIs?
When do I need to omit page numbers in my citations?
What does access date mean?
What if my source isn't dated?
Do in-text citations have to go into brackets
How many references should I include?
I want to cite several authorities to support the same point I am making in my text.
Why do i need to reference?
I cant find a guideline for the specific source I want to cite.
This page contains the following sub-pages:
How do I reference a source that is referenced in another source?
What are DOIs?
When do I need to omit page numbers in my citations?
What does access date mean?
What if my source isn't dated?
Do in-text citations have to go into brackets
How many references should I include?
I want to cite several authorities to support the same point I am making in my text.
Why do i need to reference?
I cant find a guideline for the specific source I want to cite.
Turnitin FAQs
How do I reference a source that is referenced in another source? >>