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Sports Science and Medicine: Websites

General guide to library resources for Sports Science and Medicine


LENUS - Lenus, the Irish Health Research repository is the leading source for Irish research in health and social care.  The Lenus collections include peer reviewed journal articles, grey literature, dissertations, reports and conference presentations. Lenus contains the publications of the Irish Health Service Executive (HSE) and the collected research output of over 130 health organisations past and present are all freely accessible.

MedNar - Mednar is a free, medically-focused deep web search engine that uses Explorit Everywhere!, an advanced search technology by Deep Web Technologies. As an alternative to Google, Mednar accelerates research with a search of authoritative public and deep web resources, returning the most relevant results to one easily navigable page.

MedRxiv - MedRxiv  is a free online archive and distribution service for unpublished preprints in health sciences. It is operated by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory

SciCentral access to the scientific research news sources on the web.

ScienceOpen  - ScienceOpen is a freely accessible search and discovery platform that puts research in context using Smart filters, topical collections and input from the academic community. Links are provided to articles available through Open Access initiatives. - is a global science gateway comprised of national and international scientific databases and portals.


Injurymap - Free human anatomy images and pictures.

MedlinePlus: Rehabilitation - MedlinePlus: Rehabilitation is a subject page providing information and links to information on Rehabiltation and allied subjects. Provided my the United States National Library of Medicine.

Physiopedia - Physiopedia provides an evidence-based and continually updating knowledge resource that is free for anyone to access and is the  largest available publicly accessible physiotherapy knowledge resource in the world.

World Rugby Player Welfare - A website produced by World Rugby giving information on all aspects of health and injury-related topics in rugby.


American Physical Therapy Association

Australian Physiotherapy Association 

British Association of Sport & Exercise Medicine

Chartered Society for Physiotherapy - The Chartered Society of Physiotherapy (CSP) is the professional, educational and trade union body for the UK's 47,000 chartered physiotherapists, physiotherapy students and assistants.

Health Service Executive

IDEA Health & Fitness Association

International Federation of Sports Medicine

Irish Society of Chartered Physiotherapists

 Science Foundation Ireland

Sport Ireland - Sport Ireland is the authority tasked with the development of sport in Ireland. This includes participation in sport, high performance sport, anti-doping, coaching and the development of the Sport Ireland Campus