The Library provides access to a wide range of online resources which can be accessed from both on- and off-campus.
Login to all library online resources is done using the SETU Carlow network login.
Access to resources from both on- and off-campus requires login: this guide gives a brief explanation of how login works.
Individual online databases can be accessed via the A-Z database page on the main library at:
Most of these databases, (except where indicated), can be accessed off-campus by following the required database link. Once this is done a login page is displayed. Enter your staff/student email as username, click on Next and then enter your account password.
The Search and Find ; Online Resources service can be accessed by using the search box on the library website home page: or by connecting via the Search and Find ; Online Resources link on the Services page:
Login at the Search and Find home page will open the login box:
Enter your staff/student email as username, click on Next and then enter your account password.
After logging into Search and Find, when a list of results for a search is displayed , when a link is selected, a login screen will be displayed:
Select Click here to login to continue.
Once this is done for the first time it will not need to be repeated during a searching session.
For assistance with off-campus login, please contact the library:
Phone: 059 9175760
Emerald Insight / Emerald Social Science ebooks
If a 'Connection refused by, please try again later.' error is displayed, click on the linking URL for a second time.
If a 'Connection refused by, please try again later.' error is displayed, click on the linking URL for a second time.
Error messages
If an 'error 403', 'error 431' or 'Forbidden - you don't have permission to access this resource' message is displayed when accessing any library online resource, the following actions are recommended:
Google Chrome:
Micosoft Edge:
Mozilla Firefox:
Note that clearing cookies may remove saved usernames/passwords