SETU Carlow subscribes to a number of online e-book platforms which are relevant for the subject area of Sport Management. An e-book is an electronic version of a printed book which can be read on a personal computer or hand-held device. These searchable platforms are accessible via the library website and include:
This multi-disciplinary database provides access to a large collection of book titles covering a wide range of subject areas including Sport Management. A personal bookshelf can be used to store titles.
This multidisciplinary ebook platform provides access to titles which have been purchased by SETU Carlow. There is also access to a range of open-access ebooks supplied by Ebsco.
This contains 170+ authoritative, international, and interdisciplinary handbooks across the social sciences. This Collection is hosted on the SAGE Reference Online platform and covers subjects such as Aging & Gerontology, Business & Management, Communication & Media Studies, Counselling & Psychotherapy, Criminology & Criminal Justice, Economics, Education, Family Studies, Gender & Sexuality Studies, Geography, Health & Social Welfare, History, Politics & International Relations, Psychology, Public Policy & Public Administration, Research Methods & Evaluation, Social Issues, Social Work & Social Policy, Sociology, Urban Studies & Planning.
For more information about using our ebooks, please see our Using E-Books Guide.