SETU Carlow subscribes to a number of print journals in the area of Sport Management. Journals are often a source of the most current information on a topic and are arranged in subject order like books using Dewey shelf numbers:
E.g. Boot Room shelved at 796.334
At the SETU Carlow Campus library the current year’s journals are located in Stack 20 on the ground floor beside the Law Reference collection. The most recent issue is shelved facing outwards and back issues are stored under the angled display shelf.
Journal Archive
Except for the current year, back issues of journals are shelved in the Journal Archive, Stacks 12 - 16 on the Ground Floor. These are also arranged in Dewey Decimal Classification System order.
Journals may not be borrowed but articles maybe photocopied (subject to Copyright and Related Rights Act, 2000).
Some print journals allow online access as part of the subscription. The link for online access is incorporated into the library catalogue record for the particular journal title.
These online journals are available via the Discovery search tool located on the SETU Libraries website via the eJournals A-Z search option.
Apart from the print journals to which SETU Carlow subscribes, there are over 30,000 journals, newspaper and magazine titles available in full-text to SETU Carlow users via subscriptions to online databases. Off-campus access to these resources is also available to all staff and registered students of the Institute.
To do a one-stop online search of these resources users can use the Discovery search tool located on the SETU Libraries homepage. For Carlow and Wexford users, please select the Carlow and Wexford Campus Search tab.
Using the Advanced Search option, you will be linked into the search page and can browse for relevant material such as Peer-Reviewed journal articles.
Users can also search for Publications through the eJournals A-Z link.
A comprehensive Quick Start guide to Ebsco Connect is available HERE
Many journal publishers now provide free searching across all their journals. Access, however, to the full-text of articles requires a subscription. Nevertheless, the following multi-disciplinary online services may prove useful in identifying relevant articles, which may be available to you via the interlibrary loan system. Access to these platforms is via the database listing on the SETU Carlow Libraries website.
IngentaConnect offers searchable access to over 4.5 million articles from 13,500+ electronic publications. SETU Carlow patrons can search this resource. However, full-text access is only available for around 21 subscribed titles.
Sage academic journals cover a wide spectrum of subject areas including Management and Organization Studies. Whilst SETU Carlow does not have full-text access, it is a useful resource for identifying material that maybe of interest.
This platform hosts a broad multidisciplinary collection of online resources covering a variety of subject areas. Whilst SETU Carlow patrons can search over 4 million articles from 1500 journals, full-text access is only available for approximately 25 titles.