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E-books: Introduction

SETU Carlow Library's guide to using e-books

Ebooks at SETU Carlow

About Electronic Books (ebooks)

The Library subscribes to a number of online e-book platforms which are relevant for a variety of subject areas. An e-book is an electronic version of a printed book which can be read on a personal computer or hand-held device.  These searchable platforms are accessible via the Library website. Staff and students of SETU Carlow can make use of the online facilities provided by the library to download and read electronic books.  The main e-book database the Library subscribes to is Ebook Central which allows for multidisciplinary searching of titles. The Library also subscribes to a range of subject specialised e-book databases.

Our specialised E-book databases include the following:

Alternative Name(s) & Keywords: APA Psychnet
APA Books E-Collections encompass book content in psychology and related disciplines, including sociology, education, industrial and organisational psychology, medicine, psychiatry, nursing pharmacology, neuroscience, and physiology etc. Coverage within each collection is limited to scholarly and professional titles. IT Carlow has searchable full text access to books published between 2008 - 2012.
Alternative Name(s) & Keywords: Ovid
A collection of 29 e-Books on Sports Medicine. Titles include: ACSM's Primary Care Sports Medicine, Biochemical Basis of Sports Performance, Evidence-based Sports Medicine, OSE Sports Medicine, Oxford Handbook of Sport and Exercise Medicine, Practical Orthopaedic Sports Medicine & Arthroscopy, Principles of Manual Sports Medicine, Sports Injuries: Mechanisms, Prevention & Treatment, Sports Nutrition Workbook and Assessments
Alternative Name(s) & Keywords: Emerald Insight
Emerald Social Sciences eBook Series Collection complements and extends the current Emerald resource, adding more than 210 volumes from over 35 book series titles. The collection provides contemporary and high quality research, and contributes much to debate in the fields of politics, psychology, sociology, health care and education. Searches within Emerald automatically include the ebooks and any Emerald journals which we have access to.


Alternative Name(s) & Keywords: ICE Ebooks
Staff from the Faculty of Engineering have chosen a selection of e-Books from the Institute of Civil Engineers (UK). There are 112+ titles in this collection.Full text access is limited to these titles plus any free open access material. It is also possible to explore ICE archives back to 1836, browse ICE Publishing's internationally renowned journals and access over 1400 eBooks. In these instances access is limited to author, title, abstract level details and not in full text.
Alternative Name(s) & Keywords: Sage Knowledge
SAGE Handbook Collection contains 170+ authoritative, international, and interdisciplinary handbooks across the social sciences. This Collection is hosted on the SAGE Reference Online platform and covers subjects such as Aging & Gerontology, Business & Management, Communication & Media Studies, Counselling & Psychotherapy, Criminology & Criminal Justice, Economics, Education, Family Studies, Gender & Sexuality Studies, Geography, Health & Social Welfare, History, Politics & International Relations, Psychology, Public Policy & Public Administration, Research Methods & Evaluation, Social Issues, Social Work & Social Policy, Sociology, Urban Studies & Planning.
Westlaw IE is the most comprehensive and authoritative Irish online legal research service. It provides online access to an extensive collection of legal content including a selection of ebooks covering various aspects of Irish law.


For more information on using these specialised subject e-book databases, please refer to the E-book page of your dedicated Subject Libguide



Ebook Central

The Ebook Central platform allows multidisciplinary searching across a range of subject areas of over 180,000 e-book titles..

Some Ebook Central and other e-book titles are also accessible via the online library catalogue, (

A full range of Ebook Central titles can also be searched for directly from the service home page at: (login required)