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Law and Legal Studies: Introduction



Welcome to the Library service of SETU Carlow, part of the wider SETU Libraries network.  The services provided by SETU Carlow Library include book lending, individual and group study facilities, photocopying, information retrieval service and access to a range of online databases.

SETU Carlow Library holds a broad range of resources both printed and electronic to support the subject area of Law. These include books, journals, databases, Law Reports, newspapers and various other items.

Legal literature can be divided into two main categories - primary materials and secondary materials.

Primary materials are the written sources of the law e.g. Acts of the Oireachtas, Statutory Instruments, Law Reports etc

Secondary materials include all other types of legal literature which are not formal records e.g. books, journals, etc

To facilitate the research process, this guide provides a brief outline of how to search for these different types of material.


Featured Law Resource

Featured Law Resources

Lexis +

The online searching platform for our Lexis Nexis legal database has now being updated to Lexis + .

Whilst providing access to the same content, this new platform allows for more streamlined and advanced searching.

Further information and training material is available HERE

Bloomsbury Professional

SETU Carlow has a subscription to the Bloomsbury Professional database. 

This database provides access to a range of law resources including e-books in the following areas:

Irish Employment  Law

Irish Company Law

Irish Civil Litigation

Irish Criminal Law

Irish Property Law

New IRel Resources Available

SETU Libraries now have access to a range of new online resources and also now have access to enhanced content in some of our existing resources through the IRel consortium.  

IReL is a consortium of Irish research libraries. Established in 2004, it provides participating member institutions with access to a wide range of licensed e-resources, open access publishing agreements with over twenty publishers, and open science infrastructure.

The new resources available are as follows:

Irish Newspaper Archives

The Irish Newspaper Archive is the world's largest database of Irish Newspapers with publications dating back to 1738.  This database provides full-text access to a range of Irish national and local newspapers.

Sage Research Methods

SETU's subscription provides full-text access to a wide range of books offering extensive overviews on all aspects of Research Methods.  Access is also provided to a range of podcasts from researchers in the Social Sciences and how they deal with methodological issues.

Cambridge Core Journals

Oxford University Press Journals

Proquest Social Science Premier

Science Classic

Enhanced online content is now available in the following resources:

Sage Online Journals


Taylor & Francis Online

Wiley Online

For more information on these resources click HERE